1. Project SITE WALK will be rescheduled to Wednesday AUGUST 14th from 11:00am to 12:00pm. If you are available, we strongly encourage your attendance and participation. Please be prompt and come with PPE. We will meet at this location: 1122 Eaton Rd SE (1122 Eaton Rd SE, Washington, District of). Kindly RSVP with Jackie Washington at jwashington@smootbuilds.com or Jeff Tilton at jtilton@smootbuilds.com or Vaughn McDuffie at vmcduffie@smootbuilds.com.
2. The Site Infrastructure Drawing Package has been uploaded and can be found under the Files Tab in the Folder 01_ Documents/Site Infrastructure. Kindly review and include in your pricing.
Bids Due: Sep 5, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT
Location: Firth Sterling Avenue Southeast, Washington, DC 20020
Currency: USD ($)
Pre-Bid RFIs Due: Aug 16, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT
Expected Start: Aug 1, 2025
Expected Finish: May 31, 2027
Project Size: 334,000 sq. ft.
Architect: Hickok Cole Architects, Inc.
Description: This Barry Farms redevelopment project for POAH (Preservation of Affordable Housing) consists of two parcels, Hillsdale Parcel 3 & Hillsdale Parcel 4 located at Firth Sterling Ave SE in Washington, DC.
Hillsdale Parcel 3 is a 6-story apartment project with 1 level of parking and retail space below. The structure consists of concrete foundations, concrete structure from levels P1 to 3 and wood framed structure from levels 3 to the roof. The exterior facade primarily consists of brick masonry and metal panel, with select areas of fiber cement siding. HVAC consists of ERV's for ventilation, VRF's, split systems and EWH's for conditioning and fans for exhaust. Wet sprinkler system fire protection for the residential spaces, and dry sprinkler type for the parking garage levels. Site will have limited sitework beyond some paving, some routing of site utilities and a small amount of landscaping and trees at grade. Above grade there will be a bio-retention areas with green roof assembly in the courtyard area.
Hillsdale Parcel 4 is also a 6-story apartment project with 1 level of parking and retail space below. The structure consists of concrete foundations, concrete structure from levels P1 to 3 and wood framed structure from levels 3 to the roof. The exterior facade consists primarily of metal panel with select areas of brick masonry on the lower levels. HVAC consists of ERV's for ventilation, VRF's, split systems and EWH's for conditioning and fans for exhaust. Wet sprinkler system fire protection for the residential spaces, and dry sprinkler type for the parking garage levels. Site will have limited sitework beyond some paving, some routing of site utilities and a small amount of landscaping and trees at grade. Above grade there will be a bio-retention areas with green roof assembly in the courtyard area.
Both buildings are to meet Passive House building principles.
Please separate all budget pricing into the following categories:
Hillsdale Parcel 3
Parking Garage
Hillsdale Parcel 4
Parking Garage
Please note this project will be DC First Source and has the following participation goals: 35% CBE participation, 10% Ward 8 participation and 10% Section 3 participation.
SmootDC is currently pricing this project for the purpose of a negotiated award and is seeking pricing input from interested subcontractors. We are looking to receive your budget and VE input by September 5th, 2024 at 12:00pm.
Bidders will be able to discover this project on Bid Board and join from the Smoot Construction Company of Washington DC Public Plan Room.